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Swimmer Code of Conduct

As a swimmer and member of the SAILFISH swim club, I will abide by the following code of conduct:

Prohibited Behavior:

I understand that at no times will the following be accepted:

  1. Use or possession of any illegal substance (i.e. alcohol, drugs, tobacco).
  2. Destructive behavior.
  3. Inappropriate or unruly behavior, including fighting or striking another athlete.
  4. Inappropriate language (swearing or derogatory comments) or lying.
  5. Stealing and vandalism.
  6. Bullying or isolating another swimmer.
  7. Interference with the progress of another swimmer during practice or at any other time.

Suspension: Coaches may suspend a swimmer from practice for a maximum of three days for unexplained omission of practice or swim meet, and/or disciplinary reasons. Coaches may also recommend to the board that a swimmer be expelled from the club if in his/her judgment, the swimmer is unable to conform to the disciplinary guidelines established for swim practice and club participation.
